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Il 1/7/19 a Budapest, in occasione del Congresso GIREP-EPS-ICPE-MPTL, è stata consegnata a Marisa Michelini la medaglia IUPAP-ICPE per le ricerche in didattica della fisica. Unica italiana ad aver avuto questo premio e quarta donna nel mondo. Congratulazioni a Marisa!
Dal messaggio del presidente dell’ICPE -IUPAP Roberto Nardi
Dear Professor Marisa Michelini,
As Chair of the International Commission on Physics Education (ICPE) of IUPAP – International Union of Pure and Applied Physics – I am very pleased to inform you that the members of this important Committee, after due democratic process, elected you to be the recipient of the 2018 ICPE medal.
The process leading to this award has been long and much delayed, but the Commission recognises your work in promoting the study of physics, not only in in Italy, but around the world.
La storia della medaglia dell’ICPE: allegato