AIF per "La Scienza in Classe" a Bergamo
Welcome to the Eratosthenes Experiment platform!
The Eratosthenes experiment March 2021 will take place on the first working day after the March equinox day, Monday the 22nd of March (see here).
You can perform the experiment in collaboration with another school that shares the same longtitude or if no other schools can be found on the same longitude – for your matchup – you can consider the existence of a virtual school on the equator with experimental data 0 (shade of a one-meter stick measured at local noon) and conduct the experiment by yourself.
“Mezzogiorno vero locale”= l’istante in cui il sole raggiunge lo zenit in una determinata località
Schools that register till Monday 15th of March 12:00 CET will receive the next day an e-mail with the coordinates of potential matching schools along with the information (email) of their contact persons, so that they can communicate and arrange their match-up during the day of the experiment.
Schools that register before 12.00 CET on Wednesday 17th of March and Thursday 18th of March, 2021 will receive the coordinates of potential matching schools the same day.
A final list of matching schools (including the latest registrations) will be sent to all on Friday 19th of March @ 14.00 CET. This list of dates will be updated as we approach the day of the experiment.
If you would like to perform the experiment by yourself on a date other than the 22th of March, you can use this simulator to find the exact angle from your school to the place where the sun rays are perpendicular to the ground.
The Eratosthenes Experiment March 2021 is organised with the collaboration of the Hellenic Mathematical Society.
The Eratosthenes Experiment is an AIU100 endorsed activity that is supported by the European project DiSTARS.