AIF per "La Scienza in Classe" a Bergamo
L’annuale conferenza dell’European Association of Citizen Science è organizzata quest’anno dalla SISSA e avrebbe dovuto aver luogo a Trieste. Invece, a causa della pandemia, sarà online e questo magari permetterà a molte più persone di partecipare, anche a chi non avrebbe potuto se fosse stata in presenza. Il programma con tutte le informazioni è consultabile al sito
Aderiamo alla richiesta di far conoscere questo importante evento pubblicando l’invito di Simona Cerrato, SISSA Trieste:
Dear Friends,
Sissa Medialab organizes this year the Encounters in Citizen Science conference to be held from 6 to 10 September. I warmly invite you to participate.
It is a special occasion this year because, due to the health emergency, it will take place online instead of in beautiful Trieste. It is a pity not to be able to meet in person, on the other hand it may instead be a unique opportunity for all those who are, yes, interested in citizen science but would certainly not have come to Trieste for lack of time and funds.
The conference will be set up with highly advanced methods and will offer the opportunity to meet people and exchange ideas and projects. All paying a very reduced fee, affordable by anyone, and without having to move from home and.
Citizen science is one of the most promising frontiers of public engagement with potential to be explored to achieve the much desired dialogue between science and society, and build a long-term relationship of mutual trust.
In recent years, citizen science has spread all around the world thanks to the dramatic evolution of digital technologies and the rise of connectedness, which empower all smartphone owners with sensors and apps capable of collecting and sharing in real time all sorts of data. In such a massive digitalization of the world, citizen science is reinventing the way knowledge is produced, distributed and acted upon and is pushing towards open science and open data. By allowing independent monitoring and data collection, it makes science more accessible and increases awareness, contributing to more informed decision making and ultimately fostering a more democratic society.
The conference is open to everyone, not only to professionals in the sector, therefore scientists, teachers, educators, museum explainers, local administrators and whoever wishes to connect science and society.
So I hope I made you want to participate: the complete program can be found here, where there is also the registration form: There is time until July 31st.
Attached is the invitation, which you can send (together with this letter) to anyone you think may be interested. And of course, I’m available for any further information.
I hope to see you among the participants.
Have a nice day, Simona
Simona Cerrato
Sissa Medialab
Via Bonomea 265, 34136 Trieste, Italia
tel + 39 040 3787642
skype: simonacerrato