Proposte di percorsi didattici di spettroscopia ottica e analisi dei risultati sull’apprendimento degli studenti

An educational path on optical spectroscopy was elaborated as a bridge between classical and modern physics and centered on the interpretation of optical spectra in laboratory mode for upper secondary school students. The proposal was developed as part of a PhD research in physics education in the theoretical framework of the Model of Educational Reconstruction (MER) and employing Design-Based Research (DBR) methodology which implies an iterative revision of the implemented intervention modules experimented in classroom. The main learning difficulties highlighted in the literature are the conceptual referents of the planning of the educational proposals experimented with 196 students of 11 classes in of 4-8 hours laboratories integrated with the school teaching activity (Conceptual LAB of Operative Exploration – CLOE and Masterclass) and in an experimentation with 32 talented students selected for a National School on Modern Physics. Data analysis, based on standard qualitative methods in the context of the performed experiments led to some interesting results that are here presented in particular concerning the functional understanding as concern the formation of discrete optical spectra.

Numero: Anno LI - n.3-4 - luglio/dicembre 2018

Categoria articolo: Didattica

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