Articoli rivista

ultimo numero della rivista Anno XLIII - n.1 - gennaio/marzo 2010
Storia della Fisica

Maree: che cosa Newton deve a De Dominis e Galileo

In the 17th century De Dominis, Galilei and Newton proposed three different theories on the tides. Eventually Newton’s theory, some aspects of which recall the other two, was adopted. This paper proposes a school activity in which the three theories are compared. […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XXIX - n.4 - ottobre/dicembre 1996

Massa inerziale e gravitazionale: aspetti storici e didattici

In the study of Mechanics, both at secondary school and university levels, the conceptual distinction between inertial and gravitational mass is often hurriedly discussed with the aim of unifying the two quantities as soon as possible. Fundamental contributions to the clarification of the distinction between the two quantities and to increasing the accuracy of the experiments to check their proportionality were given by great physicists as Newton and Einstein, […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XXIII - n.1 - gennaio/marzo 1990

Meccanica quantistica ed evoluzione nei rapporti tra Fisica e Matematica all’inizio del XX secolo

The paper deals with a sort of discrepancy between the historical development of Quantum Mechanics and the way it is generally taught. Quantum Mechanics is usually presented after its fundamental postulates, while this is not easy to connect to the real historical evolution of the basic ideas. […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XXXVI - n.4 - ottobre/dicembre 2003

Medicina nucleare

This article describes the use of nuclear medicine techniques in diagnosis and therapy. The process of generating radiopharmaceuticals is introduced and relevant interactions of radiation with matter are discussed. Instrumentation in diagnostic nuclear medicine is described and future trends in nuclear medicine imaging technology are predicted. […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XXXII - n.1 - gennaio/marzo 1999
Note di laboratorio

Membrane saponose e loro tensione superficiale

Soap bubbles and soap films are interesting and amusing. This article describes an experiment on soap films which can be used at secondary school level that involves forming a film with the shape of a deformed quadrilateral in an area bounded by two rigid straws and two pieces of thread of equal length attached to their ends (Fig. […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XXXIII - n.2 - aprile/giugno 2000

Meraviglie del cavolo! (ovvero della dimensione frattale del cavolfiore)

The paper deals with the wonderful fractal structure of a kind of cauliflower (Brassica Oleracea Botrytis Cimosa). The fractal dimension of the vegetable is empirically detected by measurement and a simple mathematical model of the fractal cauliflower is then built which agrees with the experimental data. […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XLVIII - n.2 - aprile/giugno 2015

Metrologia e Correlazioni Quantistiche

Noise is unavoidable in measurements and limits their final precision. In particular, when quantization of carriers is involved, as for photons in electromagnetic fields or electrons in electric currents, a minimal noise is present: the Shot noise. Recently INRiM researchers have experimentally demonstrated how Shot noise can be beaten, […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XXX - n.3 - luglio/settembre 1997

SFM: Microscopia a scansione di forza

A brief introduction to scanning probe microscopes and electron scanning microscopes is followed by a description of the scanning force microscope operating principle, of its performance and limits; some SFM images of semiconductor samples are shown as examples of the potentialities of this technique. […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XXVII - n.1 - gennaio/marzo 1994

Migliorare l’insegnamento valutandone l’efficacia

The article is an introduction to Prof. Wilkinson’s paper which is published in this same issue. It discusses the writing of questionnaires to find out how students evaluate their classroom situations, and briefly compares the international and Italian researches in this field. […]

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