Examples derived from a physics teacher’s experience are offered, that confirm previous well documented knowledge about the persistence of ‘common sense’ representations of physical phenomena in students. The needs to modify the approach to teaching physics and to revise its sense and aims are then discussed. […]
We are reporting the results of a survey concerning the presence of subjects related to Modern Physics in Italian high-school textbooks. Such contents are being slowly introduced into the syllabus of schools experimenting new curricula. […]
Home-made one-stage, two-stage and three-stage water rockets were launched at an exhibit on “Physics for… flight”. The design details of the two-stage rocket are described. […]
An analysis of the character and structure of the physical description of the world starts by discussing a simple case of measurement in geometry. In the relationship between linear dimensions and surface extent of similar plane figures one can distinguish (i) a general part that does not depend on the particular figure and (ii) a numerical parameter that depends on the figure and on the linear element that is being considered. […]
A home-made little carousel is equipped for experiments on motion in a rotating frame. A Foucault’s Pendulum, a ball on a platform, water from a Coriolis fountain, an air puck are launched on the platform and the different perceptions of rotating and stationary observers are analyzed. […]
The narrowing of a falling stream of liquid is a well-known demonstration of the equation of continuity. We consider the behavior at the bottom of the stream where the stream swells and forms droplets. Drop formation is illustrated by detailed photos of experiments. […]