The reasons why in our days it is impossible to regulate our watches with precision through radio or TV signals are described and discussed. The International Atomic Time, the leap second concept, the modern techniques used to obtain a correct speaking clock and the reasons that corrupt the delivery of the time check via digital broadcasts are briefly described, […]
In this paper we discuss molecular dynamics, a numerical technique successfully employed since thirty years in research to solve the equations of motion in many body systems. We propose using molecular dynamics as a tool in high school teaching of condensed Matter Physics. […]
In this paper three examples are reported about the presence of physics in comics: a proposal to increase youth’s interest towards scientific subjects. […]
Dancing is a pleasant and healthy activity. Its analysis from the point of view of physics allows to uncover the roles played by forces, centre of mass, moment of inertia, angular momentum, etc… […]
The true and genuine holes, in physics as well, go rather unnoticed owing to their absence of matter except when their presence entails functional problems. In the following, starting from simple problems and looking at the hole rather than at its surroundings, […]
Radiation therapy is an example of the successful application of advanced physics to the treatment of human disease leading to improved quality of life and even cure for many patients. The German physicist William Roentgen (1845-1923), who discovered x-rays in 1895 and pioneered early x-ray applications, […]