Articoli rivista

ultimo numero della rivista Anno XLII - n.2 - aprile/giugno 2009

La cosa e la misura

‘A mass hangs from a spring’, ‘Light is pure energy’, ‘Electric charge flows through a conductor’. In each of these sentences the name of an object is substituted by the name of a physical quantity that describes it. We discuss whether such formulations are justified and show that the first sentence is not inadmissible, […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno L - n.2 - aprile/giugno 2017

La crittografia quantistica come occasione per introdurre alcune proprietà fondamentali dei sistemi quantistici

The article describes a teaching proposal in which some fundamental properties of quantum systems are presented through the development of quantum cryptography protocols. The idea is the use of these properties as operational tools in a context that can stimulate students’ curiosity and interest. […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XXXVI - n.4 - ottobre/dicembre 2003

La cura delle metastasi epatiche diffuse mediante il metodo TAOrMINA

TAOrMINA (Advanced Treatment of Organs by Neutronic Irradiation and Autotransplantation) is a technique developed at the University of Pavia for treating diffuse cancer in explantable organs. Neutron capture is the most selective among the treatments based on irradiation. First the affected cells are enriched in 10B, […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XLVI - n.1 - gennaio/marzo 2013

La diffusione dell’ora esatta nell’era della televisione digitale

The reasons why in our days it is impossible to regulate our watches with precision through radio or TV signals are described and discussed. The International Atomic Time, the leap second concept, the modern techniques used to obtain a correct speaking clock and the reasons that corrupt the delivery of the time check via digital broadcasts are briefly described, […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XXVI - n.2 - aprile/giugno 1993

La Dinamica Molecolare e l’Insegnamento della Fisica della Materia Condensata nelle Scuole Superiori

In this paper we discuss molecular dynamics, a numerical technique successfully employed since thirty years in research to solve the equations of motion in many body systems. We propose using molecular dynamics as a tool in high school teaching of condensed Matter Physics. […]

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