This work describes an experiment, carried out with rather simple devices, on the quantitative study of the motion of some spheres, made of different materials, freely falling in water. We also propose a simulation program, written in Pascal language, allowing to compare the results of a theoretical model with the experimental data. […]
See-saw motion is investigated using an on-line data acquisition system made of TI89, CBL, and a motion sensor (sonar). Two cases are considered: the twin-edges pivot and the round pivot. We discuss the different behaviours that lead either to strongly anharmonic or to nearly harmonic motions. […]
An experiment on constant velocity that involves a whole class is described. Some pupils walk along a straight line while other pupils time their positions at fixed distances. The activity is performed in a gym using daily life materials and devices and requires less than one hour total time. […]
A simple argument is given, showing that a revision of newtonian dynamics is necessarily required when you assume the principle of relativity as a general law of physics. The motion of a charged particle within a plane condenser (uniform electric field) is studied in two different reference frames, […]
The classical pendulum experiment is discussed in order to show the approximations leading to possibly significant differences between theory and experiment. The way to minimize uncertainties in the data-taking procedure is also discussed. […]