An open questionnaire on various aspects of energy, including phenomena involving heat, was administred to 6 classes of Italian 15 to 18 year-old students having different curricular exprerience in physics, attending different upper secondary schools. In this paper we discuss the answers in depth against the well known conceptual difficulties of energy, […]
In this controversy regarding the theory of colours, Goethe proposes a re-examination of some historical experiments in order to deny Newton’s ideas on the differentiated refraction of the various colours. Goethe analyzes Newton’s statements, step by step in order to criticize them. […]
The article presents the working Group established by AIF in order to coordinate the experimentation of PNI (National Project for Computer Science). The targets of the Group are: 1. to establish a connection between the members of AIF engaged in experimentation; […]
Our effort is to teach physics concepts to secondary school students through a laboratory approach, giving a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary view of the topics explained. This article illustrates a didactic project carried out in two third year classes. Starting from a familiar and concrete object such as the bicycle, […]
An elementary treatment of the critical mass used in nuclear weapons is presented and applied to an analysis of the wartime activities of the German nuclear program. In particular, the work of Werner Heisenberg based on both wartime and postwar documents is discussed. […]
A simple way to estimate reasonable values of the forces and pressures acting on the head during collisions is proposed to highschool students. Starting from known situations, the physiological tolerance limit is estimated. The limit situations are then analysed and conclusions are drawn on the convenience of protecting the head with technologically suitable helmets. […]