Articoli rivista

ultimo numero della rivista Anno XLIX - n.1 - gennaio/marzo 2016
Problemi ed esercizi

Effetto contro intuitivo della gravità sulla capacità termica di una sfera solida: riesame di un problema ben noto

Tradotto e pubblicato con autorizzazione dell’American Association of Physics Teachers e degli autori da: G. De Palma, M. C. Sormani, “Counterintuitive effect of gravity on the heat capacity of a metal sphere: re-examination of a well-known problem”, American Journal of Physics, […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XXXIX - n.3 - luglio/settembre 2006

Effetto Seebeck

This paper reports a teaching approach to the Seebeck effect, with attention to the historical, theoretical and experimental aspects. […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XXVII - n.3 - luglio/settembre 1994

Einstein contro la meccanica quantistica

This article deals with the most important characteristic of Einstein thought, in relation to his opposition versus the Quantum Mechanics. A new explanation is proposed for this contrast: Einstein tries to understand microscopic phenomena by a non linear theory, to obtain with an opportune generalization the General Relativity. […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XXXVIII - n.1 - gennaio/marzo 2005

Einstein e la massa relativistica

Einstein’s writings are examined in order to see how he treated the concept of mass and in particular if he ever introduced relativistic mass. The conclusion is that relativistic mass never appears – with the possible exception of the book The Evolution of Physics where some passages might lead the reader to think that mass depends on velocity. […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XXVIII - n.3 - luglio/settembre 1995

Elaborazione dei dati sperimentali: la cosiddetta “teoria degli errori”

We examine several “myths” of physics teaching that usually lead teachers in school to devote too much time to the treatment of inessential aspects to the detriment of more fundamental arguments. Among these we discuss the importance of numerical approximations, significant digits, […]

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