Articoli rivista

ultimo numero della rivista Anno XXIV - n.3 - luglio/settembre 1991
Palestra delle idee

Un codice per facilitare la stesura dei resoconti scientifici. (Traduzione da Education in Science n. 128, giugno 1988, a cura di Silvia Pugliese Jona)

The article describes a code for facilitating the writing of science reports by primary schoolchildren and gives a few examples of using it in the classroom. […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XXIV - n.1 - gennaio/marzo 1991

Un corso di aggiornamento sull’Educazione scientifica nella scuola elementare

In this report we describe an example of inservice training course for primary school teachers. The course was carried out in a university physics laboratory. The teachers were engaged with “raw” problems. It is interesting to note that facing a new situation the behaviour of teachers is not very different from the behaviour of pupils. […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XLII - n.3 - luglio/settembre 2009

Un densimetro… ad acqua e zucchero

We propose a simple way to classify bodies of different density, based on the buoyancy of solid bodies in a partially saturated mixture of sugar in water. The experiment requires a cup of water, sugar (or salt) and small plastic bodies with different densities and can be performed in class or given as a task at home. […]

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