Most introductory physics students spend the majority of their time in passive and often crowded lectures. Studies show that students learn little in such classes. The results of education research have led to the design of active learning environments (often making use of computer-assisted data acquisition tools). […]
Carnot’s theorem and the ideal engine’s efficiency. This article discusses the efficiency formula proposed in a former article by another author, and shows how it can lead to contradictions when applied to particular cycles where heat is exchanged with only two reservoirs. […]
Recent research about the professional development needs as perceived by Italian physics teachers showed that measurement theory ranked last in a list of 17 physics topics. This result may be due to the fact that measurement theory is often taught just at the very beginning of physics courses in high school, […]
Beginning of the 19th century, aether and relativity: Lorentz was looking for space-time transformation rules fitting with the covariance of Maxwell?s equations under the change from aether to Earths reference frame. Meanwhile, Einstein was stating the identity of the laws of physics in any inertial frame and the rules of invariance of the speed of light in vacuum, […]
Teaching thermodynamics through an historical approach improves the comprehension of the basic concepts and favors the interaction between teachers of different subjects. The paper reports on a cycle of seminars on the history of thermodynamics that were held in a secondary school of Palermo, […]
We describe a temperature data acquisition system for the educational laboratory. Real-time plotting of the outputs of up to 4 sensors allows to easily perform traditional and non-traditional experiments, for example on non-equilibrium states. We suggest a few experiments and discuss the educational uses of the system. […]
An electronic linear PTAT (Proportional To Absolute Temperature) thermometer for didactical purposes is discussed and suggested as a laboratory instrument. Building this device helps students go deep into semiconductor physics. […]