When is radiation important in the discharge of a capacitor? When is it negligible? The answer depends on many geometrical and physical parameters. Reasonable estimates and suitable approximations/schematizations find that the radiated energy is negligible compared to the Joule dissipation unless a small capacitance is used and the circuit is a loop comparable in size to the capacitor. […]
We suggest a simple experimental method to let the students understand the Physics of the sound. The method can be carried out at school, but also as homework, provided that students have a PC and some other easily available items such as tuning forks, […]
A short phenomenological description of the behaviour of the classic low-temperature superconductors is given. A brief history of the progresses achieved during the past half century in the search of “high temperature superconductors” introduces to the recent discovery of the new ceramic superconductors. […]
Superconductivity was discovered one hundred years ago. After a short history of its discovery we discuss the basics of the underlying physics, how it can be explained in school, examples of how it is now used and what might be the future possibilities. […]
In the eighties the author developed an introductory science course for 15 year old students at the beginning of secondary school in Holland. The aim of the course was to show how scientific knowledge, leading to laws and theorization through models, […]
The article describes a simple experiment to illustrate the exponential decay of a water column. The liquid flows through a capillary tube obtained by removing the wire from a thin electric cable. […]