Articoli rivista

ultimo numero della rivista Anno XLV - n.1 - gennaio/marzo 2012

Quanta energia è irradiata scaricando un condensatore?

Reasoning on what happens when connecting two charged capacitors suggests a general procedure for evaluating the energy associated with the propagation of electromagnetic waves. […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XXVIII - n.2 - aprile/giugno 1995

Quanti sono gli elettroni di conduzione nei metalli?

We test experimentally the free electron gas model for electric conduction in metals by means of measurements of the Hall coefficient. Full details for the construction of the experimental apparatus are given. […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XXXI - n.4 - ottobre/dicembre 1998
Note di laboratorio

Quantizzazione della conduttanza in contatti d’oro unidimensionali

Using a very easy experiment, conductivity quantization can be observed. In this way quantum mechanics becomes something students can also experiment. […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XXIV - n.4 - ottobre/dicembre 1991
Problemi ed esercizi

Quattro masse e una bilancia

The article presents the solution of an old problem about a pair of scales, known to be inaccurate, and four unknown masses. […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XLV - n.2 - aprile/giugno 2012

Quei testi dell’Apocalisse. Legge dell’apprendimento iperbolico

In recent years the knowledge levels in science of freshmen dropped constantly in Italy and in other countries. This might be because the excess of information in today?s secondary school textbooks makes identifying and mastering the important concepts difficult. Results found by different groups that examined pre-university textbooks in a number of different countries are reported. […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XXXV - n.4 - ottobre/dicembre 2002

Radiografie fatte con un orologio

Beta and gamma rays are able to penetrate into solid bodies. This property of radioactivity can be verified in a very simple and efficacious manner, making an experiment, even in a school laboratory, with poor matter. […]

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