A successful qualitative problem-solving strategy in mechanics that promotes a better understanding of basic physics concepts and of everyday phenomena is described. The strategy is suitable for 9th grade pupils and over. […]
Numbers are often viewed as a matter for end-of-chapter problems. Actually numerical estimates of physical quantities are of utmost importance: significant examples of them should always accompany the discussion of physical laws. When is the measure of a physical quantity merely conventional, […]
The author criticises the way teachers typically construct and employ tasks in physics instruction. Germany teachers prefer tasks that only have one correct solutions. In classroom discussions the teacher narrowly guides his o her students towards this specific answer. […]
This article describes an experiment on Malus’ Law for polarized light, using a LED as light source, two polaroid sheets as polarizers and a phototransistor as receiver. […]
Small low intensity doses con be produced by some watches made in the period 1950-1960 by the presence of Ra-226 in the hands and some parts of the dials. The exent of the possible effects on the wearer of such watches is evaluated in this article, […]