Introduzione nel triennio delle superiori di alcuni concetti della termodinamica dei processi, in uno studio sulla conduzione termica effettuato con l’ausilio del calcolatore

Some advantages offered by the conceptual schemes of the irreversible processes thermodynamics in analysing different dissipative phenomena are summarised. The explicit time dependence of all variables and the introduction of new concepts such as the generalized fluxes and forces are the focus of a didactic approach which has been submitted to secondary school students. The role of the computer is determinant: it is used first to collect the values of temperature vs time, and then it makes possible to simulate the experiment by modelling.

Numero: Anno XXVIII - n.3 - luglio/settembre 1995

Categoria articolo: Didattica

Puoi trovarlo a pagina 106 della rivista cartacea