This brief memoir recalls Rocco Petrone, an ante litteram “brain drain” from Lucania to the United States, then an American citizen, who played a fundamental role in completing, fifty years ago, the mission of man’s first landing on the Moon. […]
This article presents a brief treatise of history, methodology and contents of PSSC course, with a specific attention to some laboratory activities. Is PSSC course still current today? […]
The article describes an educational project that used Earth observation satellites to engage students in a hands-on learning experience. The project was carried out in the third classes of the scientific track; the students were divided into groups and tasked with researching an Earth observation satellite and presenting their findings in a video. […]
This article poses the problem of the extension of the study of epistemology in the framework of physics teaching. These elements of epistemology focus on the scientific method, on the difference between the common language and the scientific one, on the intrinsic limits of science, […]