This article completes a survey of the physics problems assigned since 1979 in the written tests of the final examinations in the experimental secondary schools. We offer the solution of each problem and, occasionally a short comment. […]
This article completes a survey of the physics problems assigned since 1979 in the written tests of the final examinations in experimental secondary schools. We offer the solution of each problem and, occasionally, a short comment. NOTA – Il titolo stampato sulla rivista riporta, […]
The article presents the solution of an old problem about a pair of scales, known to be inaccurate, and four unknown masses. […]
This article is an example of the physics activities for interested youngsters offered by the journals KVANT and QUANTUM. It contains a series of unusual solved problems, appropriate for high-school students, the solution of which requires making order-of-magnitude estimations. […]
This article is an example of the physics activities for interested youngsters offered by the journals KVANT and QUANTUM. It contains a series of unusual solved problems, appropriate for high-school students, the solution of which requires making order-of-magnitude estimations. […]