Measuring the brownian motion of latex microspheres leads to an evaluation of Avogadro’s number. […]
I describe a simple experiment showing a non trivial phenomenon and the existence of a simple relation between two different quantities. The apparatus can be put togheter with simple materials, and has been used to introduce beginning students to experiments […]
The author, teacher of physics at I.T.I.S. “A. Volta” (high school) of Naples, scholar of Cognitive Science, has applied the strategies of problem solving to physics. This approach gives the students the opportunity to work in an organized and productive way. […]
A technique is explained on how to insert tightly and pressure whithstanding a thin poliethilene tube in the closing stopper of a plastic bottle […]
The article describes a code for facilitating the writing of science reports by primary schoolchildren and gives a few examples of using it in the classroom. […]
The high school introductory physics course is a particularly delicate moment. One must avoid giving the pupils the impression that physics is mainly related to text-book and school lab and not to real everyday life. This paper describes an experience in which the students were enabled to take a correct attitude towards physics from the start, […]
A formula for calculating the index of refraction of a transparent plane parallel sheet is derived geometrically, the known quantities being the thickness of the sheet, the angle of the incident ray of light and the lateral displacement of the outgoing ray. […]
QR codes have been used to communicate clues of a Christmas scientific treasure hunt for students of first year of Science oriented High School. […]