This article describes an activity aimed at measuring the value of pi. Five methods, were used, all of them easy to perform. All results agree with the known value within 1%. The activity is suitable to introduce the concept of measurement uncertainty at the beginning of Physics Classes. […]
By connecting to an Australian university lab ( two Italian last-year highschool classes work with electric circuits in real time and in remote. The description of one of the activities shows the diverse interesting learning advantages offered by this kind of far away real time experimenting […]
Models that can help to understand the mechanisms of some phenomena that occur in liquids, such as evaporation and distillation, and some aspects of the kinetic theory of gases are described […]
This article reports about some experiments on the physics of resonance and elasticity. Employing a simple setup it is possible to identify the longitudinal eigenmodes of a stretched massive spring and to study their behaviour under the conditions of forced and damped motion. […]
Hooke’s Law applied to a number of springs connected in series (same strength) or in parallel (same elongation) suggests a mechanical analogy to the electrostatic behavior of a number of series or parallel connected capacitors. […]
This article shows how to make equipment for studying the performance of a water rocket, e.g. its acceleration versus air pressure and mass. […]
An experiment made by some students of the “Liceo Scientifico” about the motion of an air bubble in a tube filled with water. What is the inclination of the tube for the highest speed of the bubble? […]
The falling motion of a drop of distilled water inside a transparent graduated cylinder containing domestic olive oil was studied. The results of the measurements taken were worked out so that a direct proportionality between the velocity of the drop and the area of its maximum cross section could be verified. […]
This article the presents the results of a research on the change of electric voltage across a voltmeter, during the solution of a wheat of salt. It could be a stimulus for subsequent developments, even involving the class and the chemistry teacher in the project area of the biennium of the technical industrial institutes. […]
This article describes a new method for studying motion, with characteristics similar to those of photo strobes. This uses a mobile phone, some free PC programs and a printer and can therefore be used in the absence of a true laboratory. […]