Articoli rivista

Note di laboratorio

ultimo numero della rivista Anno LI - n.2 - aprile/giugno 2018
Note di laboratorio

La misura della costante di Planck: una proposta di attività laboratoriale

In the 2014/2015 school year, the Respighi Scientific High School started the “Fare Fisica: Planck 2.0” (Making Physics: Planck 2.0) project, aiming to challenge our best students thanks to the use of the laboratory. For this purpose we chose a modern physics experiment: the measurement of the Planck constant by means of the characteristic voltage – current of a LED. […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XXIX - n.2 - aprile/giugno 1996
Note di laboratorio

La radio a cristallo

After describing the working principles of the crystal radio, the author puts them into practice designing, assembling and testing a simple radio system. Didactic suggestions are given. […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XLV - n.3 - luglio/settembre 2012

La radio a cristallo: un progetto e una ricerca

The so called crystal radio is a simple receiver that can generate strong interest and emotions. Starting with the improvised ‘Blue Gillette blade’ detector used in the mythical ‘foxhole radios’ by the American soldiers during WWII, we explore some new and unusual detectors that can be assembled ‘in the kitchen’. […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XXIV - n.3 - luglio/settembre 1991
Note di laboratorio

La relazione di laboratorio

Can we assume that a good lab report should contain some typical features? This is an attempt to settle the question in the case of practical work based on hypothetical-deductive methods. […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XLIX - n.2 - aprile/giugno 2016

La relazione tra potenza e velocità nel ciclismo

This paper is a summary of a project prepared by an Italian student for the final State exam of Liceo Scientifico. The aim of the work is to understand fluid friction and rolling resistance involved in cycling. A simple physical model has been developed and it has been subsequently compared with experimental data collected by a tachometer and a power meter. […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XLVII - n.4 - ottobre/dicembre 2014

La statistica con la macchina di Galton

This work proposes an example of experimental approach for the treatment of statistic matters for last classes of the secondary school. Through the construction of Galton’s machine, the validity of the central limit theorem has been shown and as the distribution of the random experimental data is described to the best by the Gauss’curve. […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XLIX - n.1 - gennaio/marzo 2016
Note di laboratorio

La suscettività magnetica al variare della temperatura

We present an experiment to measure the temperature dependence of magnetic susceptibility of a dia-magnetic material such as pyrolityc graphite. Pyrolityc graphite is a typical diamagnetic material and can levitate in a strong magnetic field. the levitation height was changed by varying the pyrolityc graphite temperature using a lighter. […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XXIII - n.4 - ottobre/dicembre 1990
Note di laboratorio

La valutazione dell’ingrandimento angolare negli strumenti ottici

This paper analyses an experimental method by which laws of angular magnification, for common optical instruments, are pointed out. Kepler’s and Galilei’s telescopes simple and compound microscopes are analysed with the aid of a TV camera and a monitor. Image sizes are measured on the monitor before and after instrument magnification; […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XXIX - n.2 - aprile/giugno 1996
Note di laboratorio

La velocità della luce

A short history of the measurement of the velocity of light from Galileo to our days. with particular reference to Foucault’s method, which has been used in an experiment for didactic purpose. […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XLV - n.3 - luglio/settembre 2012
Note di laboratorio

Laboratorio di Microscopia a Scansione attuato via Internet: una esperienza nel Progetto Lauree Scientifiche a Padova

Using an educational SPM driven by a PC that supports a VNC-server and a motorized webcam we set up an internet controlled RemoteLab SPM. Trained highschool students supervised by their teachers selected the sample to be analyzed, controlled the PC that drove the SPM and performed the measurements and the image analyses in remote mode. […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XLVI - n.2 - aprile/giugno 2013

Laboratorio didattico controllato in remoto

Remotely controlled laboratories (RCL) allow a user to connect from place A to a real experiment carried out in place B. These experiments can be carried out without booking and without needing to download special software. Describing the details of an experiment we give an example of the working principle of this technology […]

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