Articoli rivista

Note di laboratorio

ultimo numero della rivista Anno XLIX - n.4 - ottobre/dicembre 2016
Note di laboratorio

Variazioni sperimentali su un tema della simulazione dell’esame di Stato

In this article we describe and analyse an experiment on magnetic induction performed using an apparatus inspired by one of the problems proposed in the latest simulation of the final State exam for Physics. The experimental measurements are in good agreement with the mathematical model suggested in the simulation, […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XLIX - n.3 - luglio/settembre 2016
Note di laboratorio

“Vedere” il calore

The availability of low-cost thermal imaging cameras connected to smartphones opens up interesting opportunities in schools. It is now easy to take infrared images and explore phenomena where heating is involved; it is now possible to “see” heat. This article describes some activities carried out in the classroom with a “smart” […]

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