Measuring light spectra with a simple homemade grating spectroscope. […]
A simple to make but not so simple to explain experiment on polarized light is described and explained. […]
Current smartphones are equipped with many sensors and that offer a wide choice of applications like measuring accelerations, sounds, distances, angles, etc. Smartphones are becoming increasingly widespread among students who could use them as “personal instruments” for physics measurements. The article describes a kind of scientific treasure hunt: finding the location of the smartphone’s accelerometers by applying the laws of physics of uniform circular motion […]
The article describes some experiments, with a new geometrical approach, on the relationship between the magnetic force on a conductor, electric current and length. […]
Low pressure discharge lamps, filled with mercury or sodium, are commonly used for highways and tunnels illumination, especially against fog. A simple, low cost, monochromatic light source may be obtained by means a sodium lamp of this type. […]
We describe, in this paper, a measurement of the density of air, using the equation of state for gases and Archimede’s law. […]
A simple electrolytic experiment suited to students’ practical work allows to find an approximate value for the charge of the electron in a relatively short time and without having to make sensitive direct measurements of mass with 1 mg scales, not easily found in school labs. […]
Using a Hall probe and a coil fed by a constant current, the line integral Ampere’s law can be measured. A simple method to approximate the integral by a finite sum is reported. […]
This work deals with a famous historical experiment, i.e. the experiment that allowed Fourier to establish his theorem about the series expansion of a periodic function. In our experiment, that deals also with many aspects of the theory of heat, we warmed up an aluminium ring by means of a flame pointed towards a single point of the ring. […]
A highschool-oriented experimental activity enhances the students understanding of the structures of fields surrounding planar, line and point sources. […]
An application of the Tracker Video Analysis and Modeling Tool software for the study of kinematics is presented. The activity has been tailored to exploit the students’ interest in sports, in order to improve their participation. The software has been used to make it easier to understand the basic concepts of kinematics, […]