This paper presents the results of an enquiry on the ideas about Structure of Matter initially held by secondary school students. […]
We present a recently developed project for teaching optics to 14-15 year old students. Pointing out some shortcomings of the traditional approaches, we take into account the students’ common sense “preconceptions” investigated in various inquiries. The teaching pattern we propose is rooted in everyday experience and the aim is to answer immediately questions such as: “how can we see what we see?”. […]
It is empirical evidence that some substances absorb light radiation by transmitting only a fraction of it. The reduction in the intensity of light transmitted through a medium seems to depend on the thickness of the substance. However, in what way? […]
The performance of an ideal hydraulic engine that transfers water between two reservoirs at different heights is compared with that of a reversible Carnot engine. The interest of this analogy between thermodynamic and mechanical quantities for a Karlsruhe type of teaching approach is discussed. […]
The teachers ran an 8 hour CLIL course in Physics, specifically looking at Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity. The students were a final year class at Liceo Scientifico. The article explains the different stages of the project, highlighting the teaching techniques employed, […]
We here propose a new approach to the didactics of the so-called geometrical optics, an approach which is founded on an experimental basis and is useful in pointing out several common misconceptions. The main consequences of such a path are both the discovery of the real images formed by a plane mirror and the revision of the traditional notion of virtual image […]
Non-linear physics is a fairly complex matter to handle. A physical system presenting a bifurcation, a non-linear oscillator, is described here along with the mechanical simulation of its potential, with the aim to offer a method of introduction of non-linear systems in secondary schools. […]
This article presents another solution of a problem proposed in the review (LFNS, 4,1996). […]
In the Tuscan Archipelago it’s possible to make an approximate measurement of the Earth’s radius from the Elba Island using the Pianosa Island as a ship that appears and disappears on the horizon depending on the observer’s height above sea level. […]