A didactical approach to the elliptical motion of planets in the solar system is proposed. The planets’ velocities in apsidal points and the total mechanical energy of the two-body systems are discussed and described as functions of orbital parameters. Kepler’s third law is obtained from energy and angular momentum conservation principles. […]
Understanding what the orbit of the Moon look like when viewed from the reference frame of the Sun presents some difficulties to highschool students. The approach described in this paper to the correct representation of the Moon’s trajectory is an example of how a physics problem can be schematized an simplified. […]
When is radiation important in the discharge of a capacitor? When is it negligible? The answer depends on many geometrical and physical parameters. Reasonable estimates and suitable approximations/schematizations find that the radiated energy is negligible compared to the Joule dissipation unless a small capacitance is used and the circuit is a loop comparable in size to the capacitor. […]
A short phenomenological description of the behaviour of the classic low-temperature superconductors is given. A brief history of the progresses achieved during the past half century in the search of “high temperature superconductors” introduces to the recent discovery of the new ceramic superconductors. […]
Most introductory physics students spend the majority of their time in passive and often crowded lectures. Studies show that students learn little in such classes. The results of education research have led to the design of active learning environments (often making use of computer-assisted data acquisition tools). […]
Data derived from teaching experience point to some problems referred to the conceptualization of constants that appear in relationship between physical magnitudes. Some significative problems are identified. Two general hypotheses and four derived hypotheses are formulated. In order to get more information some questionnaires are prepared. […]
Exploring signal sampling techniques through an optical experiment. The reconstruction of an optical image of a simple pattern matched to a diffraction grating is proposed as an example of data analysis by digital method. Correspondence between analysis of time dependent digital signals and of spatial digital functions is outlined. […]