Small low intensity doses con be produced by some watches made in the period 1950-1960 by the presence of Ra-226 in the hands and some parts of the dials. The exent of the possible effects on the wearer of such watches is evaluated in this article, […]
A fronte della necessità di un maggiore sforzo per sviluppare le attitudini critiche negli alunni e negli studenti, questa nota si concentra su uno dei pregiudizi cognitivi che spesso sono di ostacolo in questa materia. Nella sua forma più tipica, questo pregiudizio consiste nella propensione a validare un᾽argomentazione perché si presume che la sua conclusione sia corretta. […]
The purpose of this article is to get the student acquainted with simple mathematical techniques allowing her (him) to investigate some basic properties of keplerian motion. […]
An educational path on optical spectroscopy was elaborated as a bridge between classical and modern physics and centered on the interpretation of optical spectra in laboratory mode for upper secondary school students. The proposal was developed as part of a PhD research in physics education in the theoretical framework of the Model of Educational Reconstruction (MER) and employing Design-Based Research (DBR) methodology which implies an iterative revision of the implemented intervention modules experimented in classroom. […]
Reasoning on what happens when connecting two charged capacitors suggests a general procedure for evaluating the energy associated with the propagation of electromagnetic waves. […]
We test experimentally the free electron gas model for electric conduction in metals by means of measurements of the Hall coefficient. Full details for the construction of the experimental apparatus are given. […]
In recent years the knowledge levels in science of freshmen dropped constantly in Italy and in other countries. This might be because the excess of information in today?s secondary school textbooks makes identifying and mastering the important concepts difficult. Results found by different groups that examined pre-university textbooks in a number of different countries are reported. […]
This article deals how to represent the experimental data with their absolute error with Lotus 123 […]
In the changing Czech educational system, educational standards were elaborated for school leavers at the end of secondary education. This article reports about the preparation and goals of the educational standards in physics. […]
The pervasive notion of Time is an integrated part of our understanding of ‘reality’. Many fascinating mysteries related to time are still unresolved. The topic entangles notions belonging to different fields, from Religion to Technology: i.e. Astronomy, Physics, Biology, Psychology, Art, […]