We test experimentally the free electron gas model for electric conduction in metals by means of measurements of the Hall coefficient. Full details for the construction of the experimental apparatus are given. […]
In recent years the knowledge levels in science of freshmen dropped constantly in Italy and in other countries. This might be because the excess of information in today?s secondary school textbooks makes identifying and mastering the important concepts difficult. Results found by different groups that examined pre-university textbooks in a number of different countries are reported. […]
This article deals how to represent the experimental data with their absolute error with Lotus 123 […]
In the changing Czech educational system, educational standards were elaborated for school leavers at the end of secondary education. This article reports about the preparation and goals of the educational standards in physics. […]
The pervasive notion of Time is an integrated part of our understanding of ‘reality’. Many fascinating mysteries related to time are still unresolved. The topic entangles notions belonging to different fields, from Religion to Technology: i.e. Astronomy, Physics, Biology, Psychology, Art, […]
Peculiarities and problems of deaf high school students are outlined, related to the obstacles they meet in learning Physics, namely the difficulty in abstracting, generalizing, and using rules with flexibility. In particular, the typical misunderstandings due to deaf natural language are pointed out, […]
As we realized after a detailed monitoring that students can easily get lost in solving problems of physics, this article propose a new didactic tecnique .nearer to the researcher work whose purpose is to stimulate students to sustain their interest in physics, […]
Dealing with a new physical subject one often goes on too hastily in the initial stage, leaving some uncertainties and ambiguities in definitions and in basic features. Furthermore one performs schematizations and simplifications which may be in contradiction with fundamental principles or experimental results. […]
A ‘physically consistent’ way of explaining tides to secondary school pupils is suggested and described. […]
The concept of mean is one of those proposed to students mainly relying on intuition. This paper, which is addressed to teachers, has strictly didactic aimsand, although making progressive generalisations, gives examples from the basics of physics. […]
Synchronizing distant clocks at rest in the same reference frame is far from a trivial issue. A review is presented of the several problems involved and of the practical approaches adopted in the course of time. The conventionalist view is discussed, […]