In this paper the author describes Enriques’ ideas on the concept of space and on the relations between geometry and physics. Enriques criticized the views of Kant and Poincare, considered geometry as an empirical science and anticipated some aspects of recent Popper’s epistemology. […]
This article deals with the very familiar phenomena in which vapour condenses, clouds are formed and, finally, it rains. It explains how this happens and why surface shape and not only temperature plays an important role in the process. […]
This “galilean dialogue” briefly considered the debate regarding the conceptual foundations of quantum mechanics, expecially referred to the Einstein/Bohr discussions about the interpretation of quantum formalism. In this presentation, Simplicio represents Einstein’s position, while Salviati defends Bohr. In the article, the problems arising from the so called “quantum non separability” […]
One of the most interesting conceptual “puzzles” of theoretical physics of this century (say the quantum theory of measurement) is presented, using the technique of a galileian dialogue. After a concise description of the foundations of the problem, the most important contributions to the subject are summarized in a simple form, […]
We show how since the first human rational speculation the concept of infinite has dominated the time and how the peculiarities with which it has been considered have been modified in the same time that the astronomical researches have become deeper. […]
The buoyancy conditions of solid homogeneous bodies floating in an ideal liquid are studied with special attention towards stable equilibrium. The case of a solid floating cylinder is discussed in detail. […]
Superconductivity was discovered one hundred years ago. After a short history of its discovery we discuss the basics of the underlying physics, how it can be explained in school, examples of how it is now used and what might be the future possibilities. […]
Beginning of the 19th century, aether and relativity: Lorentz was looking for space-time transformation rules fitting with the covariance of Maxwell?s equations under the change from aether to Earths reference frame. Meanwhile, Einstein was stating the identity of the laws of physics in any inertial frame and the rules of invariance of the speed of light in vacuum, […]
The bubble-breaking, droplet-ejecting mechanism is the main pathway of the mass-transport effect at water to air interface (primarily at sea-air interface, but also lake, river…). Surface-active organic material (SAOM) tends to concentrate at the water surface. The bubbles, produced primarily by breaking waves, […]
Tacking a Real World Problem for Understanding Physics. Scientific knowledge is a complex game aimed at constructing a representation of reality characterised by specific questions, languages, ways of operating. Acquiring scientific knowledge therefore involves the ability of thinking and operating within a representation of reality, […]
Philosophers and scientists of antiquity used to speak of material things or bodies, by taking for granted that world was naturally divided into separate objects. Probably that notion is due to the fact that we are living in a comparatively cold sur-rounding (the surface of the Earth), […]
After a concise description of the experimental aspects of the photoelectric effect, this article gives an account of me history of its discovery and of the research that followed, and discusses its contribution to the radical changes in the conceptual framework of physics from the last decade of the past century to Einstein’s work of 1905. […]