ultimo numero della rivista Anno XXX - n.3 - luglio/settembre 1997

SFM: Microscopia a scansione di forza

A brief introduction to scanning probe microscopes and electron scanning microscopes is followed by a description of the scanning force microscope operating principle, of its performance and limits; some SFM images of semiconductor samples are shown as examples of the potentialities of this technique. […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XXIV - n.2 - aprile/giugno 1991

Piccoli e grandi numeri in fisica

Numbers are often viewed as a matter for end-of-chapter problems. Actually numerical estimates of physical quantities are of utmost importance: significant examples of them should always accompany the discussion of physical laws. When is the measure of a physical quantity merely conventional, […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XXXII - n.3 - luglio/settembre 1999

Quando la termodinamica incontra la meccanica: bilanci energetici di oggetti in movimento

In the study of subjects at the borderline between Thermodynamics and Mechanics, typical aspects of one of the two sciences are sometimes overlooked and incomplete, contradictory or partially erroneous descriptions are given. We find this type of difficulty in situations where there are objects in motion and, […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XLIX - n.1 - gennaio/marzo 2016

“Relatività”: le insidie di un nome

The name “relativity theory” was an unfortunate choice and Einstein was unhappy about it.Some critical aspects are briefly discussed about use and misuse of that name in epistemology, in popular culture and within the philosophical debate of the time in Italy […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XLVI - n.4 - ottobre/dicembre 2013

Scienza, Nanoscienza, Fantascienza

The term “nanoscience” is explained and illustrated by examples that can help to understand its scope and its importance for everyday life. […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XLVIII - n.1 - gennaio/marzo 2015

Sfaccettature dello spazio-tempo nella relatività generale: il calcolo di Regge

One of the most innovative and fruitful contribution to theoretical physics by Tullio Regge (1931-2014) is presented. Known as “Regge Calculus”, it consists of a formulation of the General Relativity developed in the celebrated paper “General Relativity without Coordinates”, published in 1961 in the Nuovo Cimento. […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XXXII - n.1 - gennaio/marzo 1999

Spazio, geometria e fisica. Un contributo ancora attuale di Federigo Enriques

In this paper the author describes Enriques’ ideas on the concept of space and on the relations between geometry and physics. Enriques criticized the views of Kant and Poincare, considered geometry as an empirical science and anticipated some aspects of recent Popper’s epistemology. […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XXVII - n.2 - aprile/giugno 1994

Storia di una goccia di rugiada (Traduzione da Quantum, sett.-ott. 1992, a cura di Silvano Sgrignoli)

This article deals with the very familiar phenomena in which vapour condenses, clouds are formed and, finally, it rains. It explains how this happens and why surface shape and not only temperature plays an important role in the process. […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XXIII - n.4 - ottobre/dicembre 1990

Sui quanti e la realtà

This “galilean dialogue” briefly considered the debate regarding the conceptual foundations of quantum mechanics, expecially referred to the Einstein/Bohr discussions about the interpretation of quantum formalism. In this presentation, Simplicio represents Einstein’s position, while Salviati defends Bohr. In the article, the problems arising from the so called “quantum non separability” […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno XXV - n.4 - ottobre/dicembre 1992

Sui quanti e la realtà. Giornata seconda

One of the most interesting conceptual “puzzles” of theoretical physics of this century (say the quantum theory of measurement) is presented, using the technique of a galileian dialogue. After a concise description of the foundations of the problem, the most important contributions to the subject are summarized in a simple form, […]

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