Articoli rivista


ultimo numero della rivista Anno LIV – n.3 – luglio/settembre 2021

Come interpretare l’esperimento del disco di Newton?

In 1666 Newton decomposed white light with a prism to make so-called appear rainbow colors. He represented these colors on a disk, which we usually spin to make white appear. But it’s this experience that’s really symmetrical to that of the prism? […]

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ultimo numero della rivista Anno LIV – n.3 – luglio/settembre 2021

Scienza e tecnica del colore: dai trattati sulla pittura del Rinascimento ai moderni standard internazionali

In ancient times, the interest in colour and related techniques involved almost exclusively artists, decorators, fabric dyers, professionals who needed clear recipes to obtain the desired effects in their works, or philosophers and thinkers, because of the symbolic and religious meanings of colours. […]

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